Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's never too late..

If everyone had the choice of finding the perfect road to recovery it would begin with them admitting they have a problem and asking for help. Their family & friends would be there every step of the way for support, and they may even be able to recognize their addiction before they cause irreversible damage to themselves or loved ones around them. This scenario unfortunately is far and few between in the world of drug & alcohol addiction.

I can’t stress enough that it is never too late to begin that journey to a healthy and happy substance free lifestyle! A lifestyle where you can eat, sleep and breathe free of your next move being controlled by addiction. This is a lifestyle where family, friends, fun and your health become a priority in place of the drug & alcohol addiction.

For the lucky ones, the choice will become clear to you in a positive moment of realization; possibly becoming a parent, an aunt/uncle or maybe even a great job offering can open your eyes and remind you that there is a better world out there. But for most, treatment often times will be a forced punishment after an arrest, overdose or possibly breaking bail. All I can hope for is that your moment of truth comes before the disease turns tragic and takes you.

What you may think is a harmless puff of marijuana or your exciting first sip of beer can be the very source that triggers your addiction into an uncontrollable downward spiral. Remember before placing any blame that the addiction has always been there, lurking in the background and it was only a matter of time before it affected your life.

It is hard to accept that the drug controls you and you quickly turn to look for any excuse to justify your use. Maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend breaking up with you, your car breaks down or you get into a feud with your family. All of these excuses are hiding what you’re really afraid of admitting; you have a disease. It is nothing to be ashamed of.

Whether it is a forced punishment, a positive moment in your life or hitting rock bottom to make you realize you need to beat the addiction disease and live life to the fullest again…always remember it is never too late to begin this journey.