Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sometimes being inspired is all we need.

This past month I have had a chance to think a lot about what really makes me happy and what really makes me sad. Have you ever thought about that? Sometimes, as people we often forget about our needs and what makes us happy because we are too busy trying to help and take care of others.

We naturally try to please others for a lot of reasons. Maybe you have your own issues going on inside yourself and you like to push the focus on others. Possibly you are trying to impress someone and are going above and beyond forgetting about your own needs…or maybe you are looking for approval you will never fully gain. What really got me thinking about this today and inspired me to write was a quote I read on a friend’s page.

“The pain of not doing what is expected of you is far greater than the satisfaction of doing what is.” -(unknown) Have you felt this pain? It cuts deep.

So as humans what do we do, we try to mask our pain and pretend everything is ok. No one wants to not feel good enough. We are always looking for an escape from pain and we do this in many forms. Some people will turn to drug abuse, alcohol abuse or hide away from it all and become depressed. While others who are lucky and may be a little bit stronger, are able to identify the issue and face the problems head on.

Strength, confidence, and faith are key assets that are going to help anyone do what really truly deep down makes them happy. What faith means to each person is a relative. Faith for me is staying strong and keeping a positive attitude, while faith for others could have a Christian or Karma meaning behind it.

The one thing I have learned in life, is there will be pain…there is no way to avoid this. But this pain is going to be what makes you strong, what helps you appreciate the happiness and if you can harness it and can figure out deep down how to live your very own healthy happy life...then you my friend are doing well. Take a step back and look at your life from the outside…are you self inflicting pain?...Read the quote again.