Tuesday, August 23, 2011


“It’s not bad for you, it’s an herb”…”It’s natural because it grows from the earth and seeds”…”It calms me down and takes my stress away.” Those are just some of the most common sayings I hear when people start talking about Marijuana, “The Gateway Drug.”

What most people won’t hear or realize is that this drug is one used by 158.8 million people around the world and among those millions of people (roughly) 6.7% of those users are 12-17 years old. A very young and impressionable time looking back on your life where you should be learning how to deal with life’s stressors on your own and with the help of others…rather than turning to a drug. Yes, pot is a drug.

Marijuana is a drug that is extremely easy to develop a drug dependence on, even though most people say it is not addictive. You get addicted to the feeling of relaxation. It becomes an escape from your everyday life and often people start needing to smoke before they do everyday activities. When this starts to happen, then yes, you are an addict and it is not too late.

One of the most frustrating experiences I can remember with weed was when I was with a group of friends and we were up bright and early ready to hit the slopes to ski. I love waking up and making the first tracks in the corduroy while avoiding the massive lines of snowbunnies. After getting all excited about beating everyone up there, one of my good friends quickly put the first run on hold claiming, “I forgot to grab my blunt back at the cabin, Brittney we have to go back and get it because boarding just won’t be the same without it.” Relentlessly, I eventually gave into this request since I saw I was getting nowhere in the argument and didn’t want to ruin everyone’s time.

Lots of people claim that weed is a drug that helps them concentrate. I’ll often hear people talk about preferring to drive when smoking weed versus drinking. But next to alcohol, marijuana is the second most common substance found in drivers involved in fatal automobile accidents. Doesn’t sound like the smartest choice now does it?

All of these experiences and stories are signs of drug dependence and it is so important for people to recognize these signs and look for drug addiction recovery help before this gateway drug leads to bigger demons.

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